Total Immersion
2531 Briarcliff Road
Suite 215, Atlanta, GA 30329
tel. (404)-898-0300
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Products Designed For Your Business :  As we like to say, Total Immersion employs more MBAs than MCSEs.  Every technical employee of Total Immersion was required to have over four years prior industry experience in his or her field to be eligible to apply.  From the onset, we view each engagement as an expression of the client's desire to build a tool that will increase the productivity of its employees or help leverage its business model.  We pride ourselves on being able to rise above the technical task to view its impact on your company.  We view each and every project on a case-by-case basis, confirming that every task we provide will provide real benefit for the client at its conclusion.  We will not allow ourselves to venture into providing services that we have a genuine reason to believe will not be likely to help the client in the long run.
The Right Tool For The Job:   Total Immersion Software Employees are capable of utilizing over 14 different programming languages.  We understand the strengths and weaknesses of each, and will advise on the selection of the right tool for your job.  We are also well versed in many other languages that, although we do not feel they are a practical choice for most companies, frequently provide the tools necessary to execute an effective migration.
Being Outside The Programming Bubble :  Total Immersion Software Employees regularly work together with the employees of the other Total Immersion divisions.   Our developers are frequently informed and trained on the current challenges faced by their counterparts in our other divisions.  Like all Total Immersion employees, they are trained outside of their core responsibilities and are well versed in the complexities of Enterprise Networking such as Wide Area Networking, Systems Design, Security, End User and Administrator Support.  This ensures that our developers create software that is efficient and properly constructed, freeing the client from over purchasing the infrastructure with which the software will operate.
Providing Portable Solutions :  All Total Immersion Software development includes properly commented code in addition to accurate technical documentation.  We believe that, although not directly critical to the functionality of the software, these items free the client from the developer and allow the client the peace of mind that a change in the development staff should not require the expense of having the new developers relearn the system.  We feel that this measure, in addition to reducing expenses in the event of a functionality upgrade, helps further extend the sense of comfort and freedom in our clients who are undertaking these projects.