Total Immersion
2531 Briarcliff Road
Suite 215, Atlanta, GA 30329
tel. (404)-898-0300
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Any effective security solution will need to be able to grow with time as the possible internal and external threats continue to evolve around us. As network security tends to be a process of eliminating the weak links and closing any possible opening, a firm knowledge of the security configuration and the protected devices has become a critical component to a secure network. Effective documentation is the foundation to making quick and effective responses to new threats without exposing the Enterprise by inadvertently opening new holes in the defenses. As most successful security implementations are performed as a multi-tiered approach, the totality of the configured components can become overwhelming without a proper reference to help direct the security engineer's actions to those that will provide the most benefit.
For many companies, effective documentation also serves to provide their investors or clients with the knowledge that they are placing their reputations and trust in an organization that is able to keep private data confidential. Depending on the client, this documentation will sometimes even be used in conjunction with their marketing to help illustrate the quality of the infrastructure that has been created.
To hear how effective security documentation can help your organization, please feel free to Contact one of our engineers by following the contact information on the left.